Mural artists: Chris Morton and Mary Morton; photos courtesy of the Allied Learning Center


Wellness programs for residents by residents and staff. Some programs may be inclusive of the greater Madison community.

Allied Area Partnership Toward Recovery

Allied Area Partnership Toward Recovery

Allied Area Partnership Towards Recovery is a collaborative project developed by ARC Community Services, Inc; the Allied Wellness Center; Dane County Human Services Joining Forces for Families–Allied; and the Allied Dunn's Marsh Neighborhood Association to provide neighborhood-based, peer outreach AODA pre-entry support services, and HIV support. For more information, email

Allied Welcomers

Allied Welcomers

Be a friendly contact for new residents moving into the neighborhood. Socialize and meet people! Call to sign up. Meets the third Friday of every month 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. at the Allied Wellness Center. For more information, email

Allied Community Co-op

Allied Community Co-op

The co-op ensures that information gets out to the community on news, events, and community meetings. This happens by the way of emails to agencies/organizations, door to door distribution, or setting up a building captain system. Various events include: Taste of Allied, food festivals, Allied Co-op meetings and the Back to School celebration. For more information, email



The Brotherhood Group is a unique, predominately black-led group of adolescent boys from the Allied Neighborhood who meet regularly to support each other and develop leadership skills. As one member states: “The Brotherhood gives us an alternative to being on the streets…our mission is to build a better relationship with each other and be productive. They have speakers, go on field trips, sponsor a neighborhood basketball tournament, read a common book, help at neighborhood association monthly meals, and other community activities. For more information, email

Community Health Workers

Community Health Workers

We are trusted residents of the Allied Drive community who can offer emotional support, perform home visits, assist community members to use healthy behaviors, provide services such as blood pressure and glucose screening, and provide information on resources related to health and well-being such as health insurance, housing, food, transportation. For more information, email

Grandparents Raising their Childrens’ Children

Grandparents Raising their Childrens’ Children (GROCC)

All grandparents raising a child and other relative caregivers share a common need: the need for education and support. This program assists grandparents understand the specific issues surrounding their situation, knowledge of best parenting and guidance practices, and support to provide the care a child needs. For more information, email

Mothers in the Neighborhood

Mothers in the Neighborhood

TBA. For more information, email

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study

Prayer Meeting and Bible Study

Sponsored by the African American Council of Churches. Meets every Tuesday 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. For more information, email

Walkie Talkies

Walkie Talkies

Get some exercise and connect with others. Meets: TBA. For more information, email