Programs | Allied Wellness Center

Mural artists: Chris Morton and Mary Morton; photos courtesy of the Allied Learning Center
Explore our programs, join our advocacy efforts, and be part of a movement towards a healthier future.

Community Health Work
We work individually with families on health and wellness.
The Allied Wellness Center Community Health Workers believe that equal access to resources allowing health and wellness is a right of all people. We are ready to guide and support you with the needs that you have in a confidential and respectful manner.
Many aspects of your life impact your health and wellness. We can assist you in learning about and connecting to resources in the following areas: Food and Nutrition, Physical and Mental Health, Clothing, Housing, Education, Transportation, Early Childhood Resources, Employment, and more!
When you press GET HELP you will be able to fill out a request to work with a Community Health Worker.
We work to build community strength and resilience.
The community gets stronger when we are together, supporting one another. Providing the community with information, healthy activities, and opportunities to support each other is a powerful way to improve health in a whole community.
Examples of our work:
- Parent Cafe’s - Grounded in protective factors like social connections, knowledge of parenting, and concrete support, these cafés empower families to thrive, not just survive. They challenge the status quo by flipping the narrative—parents aren't just recipients of services but co-creators of a stronger, interconnected community. In these spaces, transformative change happens through conversation, support, and collective care, breaking down barriers and building lasting, protective foundations for families.
- Youth Reproductive Health Sessions in collaboration with Public Health Madison Dane
- Community Healing Circle Series: Learning and Healing Series that focuses on different parts of well-being.
- Weekly Health Information Offerings and Engagement at the Allied Food Pantry
- Community-Building Activities at Neighborhood Community Dinners

We work to remove systemic barriers impacting health in our community.
- Healthy Housing Survey: Working with Public Health Madison Dane County to develop and implement a survey to assess the healthy housing needs of the Allied Dunn’s Marsh Community. This has led to a systematic inspection of apartment units determined to be Blighted.
- Advocate and Pilot a Mobile Food Pantry to show the need for healthy food in an otherwise Food Desert. In 2024 there is a Second Harvest Food Bank Mobile Food Pantry serving over 1000 community members per month.